MEP Consulting specialises in value engineering and project management services for Architectural, Engineering and Development projects.


What is Value Engineering


Value Engineering helps identify Design Assets and Cost-Risk Centres in any project.

When identified early, these two elements can be pivotal in determining a profitable or pit-fall project.

Timely Value Engineering consultations will benefit all projects by identifying:


  • Value-Adding elements, and enhancing them
  • Value-Detracting elements, and limiting them


Who needs Value Engineering


MEP Consultancy offers a professional and personal  service on all design and construction issues relating to:

  • Private individuals
  • Business owners and Developers
  • Property Managers
  • Risk-Assessors


MEP Consultancy Pledge


MEP Consultancy guarantees a no-nonsense professional approach to reviewing your project proposals and building assets.

There are no glossy presentations nor extended reports. Just direct advice based on over twenty years of industry experience.

MEP Consultancy is a vigorously independent practice  which has no affiliation with other suppliers or service providers. It offers an unbiased professional view within the construction industry and expressly reserves all rights. MEP Consultancy is also a regular percentage-contributor to registered Dementia charities,